
Drow Forums
Drow Origins

Event Schedule

Drow War Patrols
Posted: Friday, March 2nd, 2001 by Vrow

...Although defense of the Warrens is important to the well being of the Drow, patrols to the surrounding areas and corridors are very important for the Drow to keep aware of their environment and any predators encroaching upon them. All players should post a time on the boards, that they would be available for patrols. If we could get a weekly or even bi-weekly schedule together to marshall our forces and patrol the corridors and warrens outside our own this would help greatly. All players do not need to be able to play at once, even a smaller group that can meet together regularly (example:every Wednesday 8:PM) and do a regular patrol will help to keep our defenses strong.

Seer Events
Posted: Thursday, March 1st, 2001 by Vrow

Now that Siege is on the Bi-Weekly schedule for Seer run events, it would be nice if everyone can make an effort to get together and make an effort to compete in these events as a family. The last contest held much gold and many arcane artifacts as prizes. I will post here as soon as Siege is scheduled for another event.


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